Chasing Rainbows

24 Aug

I’m always chasing rainbows/ Watching clouds drifting by/ My schemes are just like all my dreams/ Ending in the sky.

Remember when you had all the time in the world to do whatever it was you wanted to do?  In fact, you had the rest of your life.  You still have the rest of your life but all of a sudden it seems the amount of time remaining has shrunk like a wool sweater in hot water.

Neighbors are rebuilding their two car garage with an apartment above that they plan to list with Airbnb.  With Seattle hotel rates at $300/night, they feel sure of regular occupancy and income in our relatively safe and well-kept neighborhood.  The idea excited me and I thought about taking out a mortgage to do the same.  The reality is that it takes “forever” to get a permit and a contractor not to mention the actual construction, listing with Airbnb, and arrival of tourists.  Do I want to turn my “forever” and economic resources over to even a safe gamble?  What if I have a short forever?

I’ve had almost a life-long fantasy of authoring a book.  I’ve read that it takes an average of ten years to get a book from idea to print and even if I were able to develop my current idea (it’s a good one too) into book form I would be close to ninety when published and that’s providing I could find an agent and publisher.  I dabbled in screenwriting initially only to learn that Hollywood, in general, only wants young writers and to break in it’s all about who you know, kid.  Getting a PhD in quantum physics would be easier.

So, how do I want to use the time remaining to me?  Chasing rainbows?  Maybe I can master Windows 10 and Movie Maker and edit all the 8mm film now converted to DVDs or is that just another fantasy?  Perhaps pursuing fantasies is actually designed to keep the neurons firing and thus add additional years to the ninety year timeline.  The secret experts support is in doing what you enjoy.  I will probably continue to work on the book as I find pleasure in the activity and it provides me with unexpected rewards in the people I meet, and it pushes me to try new things.  I will continue to enjoy my home, yard, as is, as long as I can, and serve when called.

I’m always chasing rainbows/ Waiting to find a little bluebird in vain.  Writers: Harry Carroll, Joseph Mccarthy.

One Response to “Chasing Rainbows”

  1. Anna Marie Newman August 25, 2015 at 12:02 am #

    You sound like a wise woman!! Finding joy and following that joy sounds like juicy living!! And living is the way to go until something even more juicy appeals to you!

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