22 Jul

One of the first exercises in the class on the Inner Journey of Aging was to reflect on the following questions.  After writing our responses we then shared them with one of our classmates.  I share mine now with you and encourage you to do the same with a friend.  Get the dialogue going on a deeper level.

Q.  How do I feel about growing older? 

Lyrics: I’ll go my way by myself . . .                                                                  

 Growing older brings up a different set of unknowns.  This third wave is the first one on my own, i.e., without parents and husband.

Q.  What do I look forward to?  

Lyrics:  I’ll try to apply myself and teach my heart how to sing.

Experiencing the unknowns.  Expecting many changes.  Adventure.

Q.  What are some of the challenges of getting older? 

Lyrics:  I’ll face the unknowns; I’ll build a world of my own.

Challenges ahead but challenges throughout life.  Learning to adapt to the changes; physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Q.  What are some of my fears at this time?

Lyrics:  No one knows better than I myself, I’m by myself, alone.

Fear that I’ll die too soon, before I’ve purged the basement, before I’ve put in order years of photographs, read all the books in stacks on the floor, etc.  Before I’ve lived all the etceteras.

Q.  In what ways do I want to grow more? 

CHANGE THE MUSIC.  Lyrics: You gotta make your own kind of music; sing your own special song

Learn to be more comfortable letting go.  “Love wastefully” (Bishop John Shelby Spong).  Be kind always.  LAUGH MORE.  Follow the energy and trust.

By Myself: songwriters Shinoda, Delson, Bennington, Hahn, Bourdon

Make Your Own Kind of Music popularized by Mama Cass Elliot and written by Barry Mann and Cynthia Weil.


  1. Keela Marshall July 22, 2015 at 8:06 pm #

    You write such pertinent blogs. I often wonder how I will get it all done, joke.

    We all need secretaries Keela

  2. Anna Marie Newman July 23, 2015 at 3:11 am #

    Just spent a week going through closets,,,, more to go, including old photo albums and picture envelopes that never made it into photo albums. Today celebrating 46 years of being a mother, (which means I’m not 46) remembering as I look at baby pictures of my daughter and grand children what were the stories along the way that warranted saving these photos. Life is sure full of changes and cleaning out cobwebs. Each time I do this I look at the same pictures I looked at last time (and not since) and ponder which ones to keep and which ones to discard. I believe this time, I’m taking the old pictures to someone who can put them on CD’s so I can keep the picture memories yet get my closet even freer of the overflowing boxes. Certainly keeps one busy, cleaning out physical and memory cobwebs.

  3. Tim Van Liew July 23, 2015 at 4:39 pm #

    I continue to be impressed with the style of your writing… weaving music that applies so well into the rhythm of your words.

    1. This year I turn 40. While some from my graduating class are posting of the stress this is causing them, I feel at ease. I’m holding onto hope that I have many enjoyable years ahead of me to spend with my wife and daughter (a very precocious 3) and develop my career in serving seniors as they navigate their aging process.

    2. I look forward to vacations with my wife/family (she has taught me how to travel well!), participating in my daughter’s growing up life, potentially welcoming others into our family (through birth or foster care), and in the shorter term – taking a trip to Ireland with my wife to celebrate my 40th birthday.

    3. At this point, I’m not specifically facing any challenges I would attribute to getting older… other than the occasional day of feeling like my eyes are too tired to focus on the ever-present computer screen. On those days, I wear the glasses usually reserved for driving to give my eyes some rest.

    4. My fears, if any, are that my family might be injured or harmed. I have become a more cautious driver and make choices to promote a safe environment for them… but can’t help the flashes of warning that cross my mind of possible danger. I am also conscious of the fact that I need to be careful not to convey a sense of fear to my growing daughter so that her desires to explore, learn and grow are not inhibited.

    5. I want to grow as a leader who can cast a vision for a future that is better than the world of today while holding the hands of my listeners to help them take the steps toward that future. To do this, I hope to study relevant sources (your blog being one of them!) and begin some writing of my own to practice and develop my own voice.

    Thanks for sharing these questions from the Inner Journey of Aging… while I’m probably not the typical target for this task, it was good for me to pause and consider what I and those older than me are feeling about our space in time and place.

    Keep writing! I love your voice and learning from your journey.


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