18 Aug

A clown with his pants falling down/ Or the dance that’s a dream of romance/ That’s Entertainment.

This is a follow-up or perhaps a continuation of the July 18th posting where I compared Hollywood and the U.K.’s treatment of older actresses. I recently saw the entertaining Hundred Foot Journey staring the beautiful 69 year old Helen Mirren. In character as a classic French restaurateur in a strawberry blond wig, she was fantastic. To be sure, her own natural white hair becomes her more. This film appeals to an older audience (no explosions, no graphic sex) and the theater was packed. I hope it makes buckets of money so that more films of its ilk will follow. Best of all, the previews included the sequel to The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel and it looks like another winner.


As a nurse who worked close to thirty years in both acute care adolescent and adult psychiatry, it’s my hope that the suicide of that great entertainer, Robin Williams, will raise awareness of mental illness and the inadequacy of our health care system to compassionately meet the need. Even with the good care that Robin Williams had access to, clinical depression is a monster poorly understood in our culture. While it too often sounds like a lame platitude, I truly believe that Robin is now at peace. May it be so.

The world is a stage; the stage is a world of entertainment. Thanks, Robin, for entertaining us.

That’s Entertainment lyrics: Howard Dietz and Arthur Schwartz

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